The Isle of Lesbos
Yahoo! Lesbians!
Planet Out
ShadoWomyn's Dykotomy
Amazon City
Dykes to Watch Out For
Fluffy Butch Home Page
The Lesbian Hangout
Stacey's Lesbian Links
Queer Links
Heartless Bitches
Charlene's Lesbian Haven
Lesbian Connections
Euro Sappho
Q World
A Dykes World
Yoni's Gateway to the Feminine
Lipstick Lesbian Homepage
Sassy Femme
Sapphic Voices:Lesbian Fiction Online
under the couch!!! with kimberly
Sarah's Place
Techno Dyke
Skya's Xena Warrior Princess Page
Lesbian Life
Lesbians Against Boredom
Alternative Creations
Amazon Online
Asian Queer Women in Atlanta
Astraea Foundation
Bay Area CyberDykes
Brat Attack
Carrie A. Koza
Christie's Playhouse
Coordinadora Gai-Lesbiana
Dyke TV
Echo Lesbians Page
Elaine Barlow's Place
Family Q
Fat and Healthy
For Lesbians: The Art and Poetry of Women
Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
Girlfriends Coffeehouse and Bookstore
Groovy Annie's Canadian Lesbians
Hedda Lettuce WorldWide
I think I might be a lesbian
The Isle of Lesbos
June L. Mazer Lesbian Collection
Lady Jandria
Lesbian Archive and Information Centre
Lesbian Avengers Chicago
Lesbian Avengers of San Francisco
Lesbian Health-Human Rights Campaign
Lesbian Health Program
Lesbian Health Issues: We are not immune!
Lesbian Herstory Archives
Lesbian History Project
Lesbian Images in Art
The Lesbian Mom's Web Page
Lesbian Mothers Support Society
Lesbian Organizations
Lesbian Parenting
Lesbian Poetry
Lesbian Safer Sex
Lesbian Safer Sex: Think about your risks
The LesBiGay Parenting Home Page
Little Sister's Book & Art Emporium
Lisa's Palace of Voyuer
Midwest Womyn's Autumnfest
Mirror Images
The National Lesbian and Gay Health Association
National Lesbian Political Action Committee
NOW Issue Report: Same-Sex Marriage
Olivia Cruises and Resorts
Picky Women Sportswear and Accessories
Rainbow Flag Health Services
Rainbow Hoops-Toronto
Rebecca Murphey
Sapphic Ink
Sappho Central
Sappho's Network
Sharon's Jewish Home Page
Sisterspirit Bookstore
Steph & Lil's Queer Links
Sweet Music: Sisters on Stage
Take a journey into FemmeWorld
Thunder Road Book Club
The Winning Pair
Vegetarian Pages (this is not a lesbian website)
Women's Health Resources on the World Wide Web
ACLU Gay and Lesbian Rights
Adult Children of Heterosexuals
ADVance--Damron Vacations
Affinity Books
Afterwords Bookstore
The AIDS Memorial Quilt-NAMES Project
AIDS Resource List
AIDS Virtual Library
Angel Web
Best of the Internet for Gays and Lesbians
The Body: Multimedia AIDS and HIV Resource
Brent Payton's Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Links
Camp Lavender Hill
CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
Choices for Gay Men who are HIV Positive
Crossroads Market & Bookstore
CyberQueer Lounge
Data Lounge Trudy in Cyburbia
A Different Light Bookstore
DivaNet Search Page
Ex Libris
Family Q
Famous Queers, Queens and Dykes
Fantasy Tripping
Free Spirit Rainbow Art
Gay A to Z
Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
Gay Asian Literature
Gay Fathers
Gay/Bi Interests of all types
Gay & Lesbian Informatiion
Gay and Lesbian Parents Message Board
Gay and Lesbian Resources
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Television Characters
Gay Mart
Gay Daze
Gay Resources
Geocities WestHollywood
Glad Day Bokshop
The GLBO-Centered Film List
Guide to NIH HIV/AIDS Information Services
The Homosexual Agenda
Homosexuality in Film
In the Life
Kerry's Miscellaneous Queer Links Page
LesBiGay Information Center
LesBiGay & Queer Resources @igc
Mariposa's Wings
Out At Home
Planet Out
Planet Q
Q Planet
Queer-Friendly Religious Links
Queer Information
Queer Related Links & Referrals
Queer Resources Directory
Quistory Publishing
Rainbow Links
Rainbow Query
The Rainbow Room
Rainbow Spirituality Ring Homepage
The Sacred and the Profane
San Francisco International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Skippy's Queer World
Slakker's Leather Page
The 100-point BDSM Purity Test
Tinseltown's Queer Web Site
Vegetarian Pages
Wit's End Literary Cyberzine
Yahoo! (Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals)

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