Well, much to the surprise of many folks, I am actually a true southerner. I was born in Alexandria, Virginia (a suburb of Washington, DC) March 1, 1949. Yes, I'm that close to 50. I'm a pisces, and I am true to my sign, much to the dismay of my tauran friends. I'm a fairly easy-going person to get along with, unless I haven't had my caffine fix for the day, then I can be quite unpleasant. So, if you want to give me bad news, give me a cup of coffee first. I'm a nonsmoker, a very moderate drinker, and a klutz on the ball field. (I'm the type that waits for the ball to bounce before I catch it.) I'm also not Italian, although I like Italian food, and I watched the Godfather many times.

My mother's side of the family came from Barcelona, Spain to the United States in the 1920s. When I say family, I mean aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters... the whole bunch of them came over. My mother was the first one born in the U.S. (she was born in the big apple). My father's side of the family came from some place in England to the new world in the 1600s, and they settled in the Virginia-North Carolina area. Since my father's family is very southern protestant, and my mother's family is very northern Catholic, it made for interesting holidays. Of course, we were raised Catholic and in the north, so I guess that tells you who ran things.


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